Brushing your teeth is a daily routine, right? So, you should probably know what you are doing by now…

The truth is three out of four adults are doing it wrong.

Many dentists suggest that you brush your teeth twice per day. Of course, this is pretty standard protocol for good oral health.

However, new research conducted by the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology has indicated that brushing teeth, three times per day, leads to better heart health.

How was the Research Conducted?

In a conclusive study, 60,000 individuals aged between 40 to 79 years were selected at random and their progress of brushing habits were analyzed for ten years and six months. Data was collected on the individuals who brushed their teeth twice and thrice respectively, recorded, and used to determine relationship between dental hygiene and heart health.

The Findings

A shocking revelation indicated that those individuals who used to brush their teeth correctly three times per day, were at a lower risk of heart failure than those who used to brush their teeth twice per day. This is because there was a lower risk of atrial fibrillation in the former, which is mostly attributed to heart failure, than in the latter scenario. To be precise, brushing three times decreased the chances of heart failure by a staggering 12 percent. More importantly, many experts concurred with the accuracy of the research based on the duration of time it took to complete, not to mention the number and diversity of the participants, who took part in the study.

What’s the Correlation of Dental Hygiene and Heart Health?

Many the pamphlets, health documentaries, publications, and pieces of information you come across on the internet, show a correlation, or link between heart health and diet and exercise. What you didn’t know is that inflammation can lead to atrial fibrillation and eventually heart failure. Poor oral hygiene can lead to accumulation of bacteria on the gums and between the teeth. Eventually, the disease-causing pathogens find their way into the bloodstreams leading to inflammation.

According to orthodontist Heather Kunen, DDS, MS, who is the co-founder of Beam Street, there is a direct correlation between poor oral hygiene and systematic inflammation. Even though there are many inconclusive studies on the matter, many experts have agreed that a clean mouth is always a great to stop bacteria from infiltrating our bloodstreams and eventually posing health risks.

Nevertheless, Dr. Kunen also postulates that what matters the most in oral hygiene, is the quality of cleaning rather than quantity. An individual who cleans his/her teeth correctly twice per day for over two minutes, may have better heart health than a person who brushes his/her teeth five times per day incorrectly.

Final Thought

In summary, poor dental hygiene not only risks the loss of a beautiful smile, but also your heart. It is imperative that you follow the correct guidelines in brushing your teeth to keep oral bacteria at bay. In addition to brushing, you may also employ other dental care techniques such as:

  • Flossing daily
  • Scheduling regular dental checkups (X-rays and cleaning)
  • Using mouthwash after brushing and flossing
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Replacing your toothbrush every three months
  • Maintaining a healthy diet
  • Avoiding snacks and limiting sugary foods and drinks