Did you have dental implant surgery?

Then pain is a common side effect that will go away after some time. The anesthesia that was used during surgery will wear out after a few hours and then you will feel pain for a few days.
Other side effects of dental implant surgery include swelling and bruising. Swelling is a natural reaction to surgery and is most likely to occur at the incision site. You can use ice on the incision site to reduce the swelling.
Bruising can also be experienced. It is possible to notice the bruising on the cheeks after the surgery. You can also have internal bruising due to the surgery. Other complications that can develop after surgery include infections, but this one can be treated using antibiotics to avoid spreading to other parts of the buccal cavity.

Factors affecting recovery time
Many factors affect the recovery time of an individual after a dental implant. Here are some of these factors:

  1. Everyone is unique
    Therefore healing times will vary even if there are no complications with the dental implant surgery. Some will naturally heal faster than others because of their immune response. Moreover, you may recover more quickly or slower from a dental implant if you have had a previous dental implant.
  2. The number of implants
    The more dental implants, the longer it will take to recover. If you only have one implant, then the recovery period will be shorter than if you have multiple dental implants at the same time.
  3. Use of bone grafts
    If your dentist recommends bone grafting during surgery, then your recovery period will take longer. Bone grafting becomes necessary if you have weakened gum tissue or bone loss. If a dental implant is done without bone grafting, then infections may arise because the jawbone may be too weak to anchor the implant. Tissue generation takes time following bone grafting because the gum and bone tissue must grow together to form a substance that is firm enough to support the dental implant.
  4. Hygiene
    If you take care of the incision site and take all your medication as required following dental implant surgery, then you will recover faster. Infections come about when you expose the incision site to harmful organisms such as bacteria.

How to heal faster following a dental surgery
• Brush regularly

Your implants are now acting as your teeth and therefore you need to floss and brush them at least twice a day to remain free of infections.

  • Avoid smoking
    Smoking should be avoided at all cost during the recovery period because of its adverse effects on dental implants. It dries the mouth and irritates the gums, which provide a favorable environment for growth and thriving of bacteria and infections.
  • Avoid alcohol
    Alcohol also irritates the gums and may create open wounds in the mouth which provide a chance for infections to grow. Infections can destroy your dental implant and result in another expensive dental surgery.